Report Builder

What is a report builder ?

The reports builder let you build your own reports to analyse the respondent answers.

You can build your report using one or more of the following report items.

  • Bar chart

  • Pie chart

  • Free text

  • Sentiment index

  • Net Promoter Scoreยฎ

  • Historical trends

  • Cross tabulation

  • T.U.R.F

  • Tag clouds

  • Language chart

A default pre-generated report with the most common charts is provided with all your surveys

โž• Creating a new report

To create a folder click on the Add new report button.

๐Ÿ”… Report properties

  • Report name Display name of the report.

  • Defaultwill replace the default built in report provided by Rippl Survey for this survey.

  • Share report with anonymous users through a web link.

  • Access password sets a password for the shared web link.

Last updated